A series of webinars on bridging the financing gap between sustainable urban development projects and investors.
Financing Resilient Cities
Bridging the financing gap between sustainable urban development projects and investors in a post COVID-19 world. A joint initiative by UN-Habitat, Global Development Incubator (GDI) and Think City Institute.
The Challenges of Financing Sustainable City Development From a City Leader’s Perspective
Hear from our panel of city leaders about the challenges of financing sustainable city development and how their city development needs and financing requirements are being re-prioritized, especially in a post-COVID investment climate.
Urban Finance Webinar: Achieving Investor-Ready Sustainable City Projects
This webinar features two investment professionals as they delve into the heart of the matter -the project preparation process – to understand what is needed to make projects bankable, especially in a post-COVID investment climate.
Creating and Measuring Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Impacts in Cities
The recent urban finance webinar on “Creating and Measuring Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Impacts in Cities” featured discussions on the SDG Cities Programme and how cities can ensure their projects contribute to a more sustainable future.
Urban Finance Webinar: Achieving Investor-Ready Sustainable City Projects
The recent urban finance webinar on sustainable finance featured discussions on the growing momentum in the private sector to integrate environmental and social considerations into mainstream finance, with investors increasingly seeking to ensure their investments leave a positive impact.